"How beautiful!” visitors exclaim when they see the architecture of Social Ease. They gather at the stone amphitheaters to hear the stories of friendly animals. Wild creatures approach who like to be stroked. They companionably enjoy the serenity of sunsets sitting in vineyards. "We send casks of Social Ease home with guests as souvenirs," says the Guide. "We insist!" Travelers tell delightful stories of Social Ease. "The days are long and there’s plenty of time and energy for dancing," says Miss Emeline Traveler. "Everyone remembers everyone’s name. Together they practice their gifts and talents. They offer great company and encouragement beneath the sun, moon, and stars." In the Community Capitol, an enormous palace with a huge courtyard, denizens gather to hear the stories of the day and to sing each others praises. The palace has many windows and many gardens. "Such delights are served at the enormous banquet hall,...
A reader, writer and thinker's journal.