Moss droops from dead evergreens in the dark forest Disenchanted. Thorny vines travel between branches. Dead pine needles crunch beneath the hooves of a passing elk. She stares in stony silence. Her ribs show through her matted coat.
Fog shrouds the dense wood as visitors pick their way through the forest. Many become lost. They were bound for beautiful vistas, but took a wrong turn or perhaps never began at the correct trailhead. They wind up here.
Rats crawl across the forest floor. Owls take flight carrying the bodies of voles.
A chill wind blows.
In the distance, a trickle of river holds the winter moon’s reflection.
The river leads out of Disenchanted to the Sea of Enchantment.
A sign over the door of a cottage in a clearing reads "Disaffected." There are no flowers or window boxes and no path to this place. It is made of stone, logs, and mud. The thatched roof is thinning in places. It is empty, but for ghosts. There is a large kettle on the stove coated with dust. It's dark in the cottage and there's a strange smoky smell of mixed charred herbs. Herbs and dried roots hang in clusters from the ceiling. On the single bed lies a grey blanket. There is a chest at the foot of the bed. Inside of the chest there are maps of faraway places and maps of this very forest.
A sign over the door of a cottage in a clearing reads "Disaffected." There are no flowers or window boxes and no path to this place. It is made of stone, logs, and mud. The thatched roof is thinning in places. It is empty, but for ghosts. There is a large kettle on the stove coated with dust. It's dark in the cottage and there's a strange smoky smell of mixed charred herbs. Herbs and dried roots hang in clusters from the ceiling. On the single bed lies a grey blanket. There is a chest at the foot of the bed. Inside of the chest there are maps of faraway places and maps of this very forest.
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