I remember as a child deciding at one point that I knew magic did not really exist and that I would never actually be transported through the wardrobe to a world of wonder. That thought sunk into me and I've remained rather disappointed in the world for its mundanity ever since.
But in doing an exercise in Rev. Sarah Bowen's book Spiritual Rebel called Taking Out the Sacred Trash, I realized that this was a belief I didn't need to carry with me any more.
No magic, really?
"You have to believe we are magicNothing can stand in our wayYou have to believe we are magicDon't let your aim ever stray” --Magic, Olivia Newton-John"For effective magic is transcendent in nature…”; --Middlemarch, George Eliot"I have always loved visiting places of ritual and magic at special times of year—" --The Ponies at the Edge of the World, Catherine Munro"The world is so full of magic and surprises," --Jane Goodall
Magic, yes, really!
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