Gorgeous Dreams
I dreamt I was eating ice cream,
Two large scoops and two again,
Guilt discarded upon consideration,
I wanted more and I could have it.
She says I am a little person,
And I suppose I am now,
A small husk of what I once was,
But I was teased and remain forever fat.
Now I’m chewing on my inner cheek,
I eat my lip and enjoy the texture,
The press of it between my teeth,
Feeling the hidden inside of myself.
I dreamt an orange-red sunset,
An atmospheric phenomenon,
So beautiful I cried out “O!” with awe,
I wanted more and I had it.
Now I am sitting shoulders hunched with sunken chest,
Belly up against the stiff material of my jeans,
Coffee burning in the distended place,
Awake in my uncomfortable reality.
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