Of sleeplessness and sore joints,
Of swollen, stiff, agonies,
“Painful complaints,” she says.
The morning stomach occupies much thought,.
Feet and thighs say less after rest.
“Movement relieves discomfort,” she says.
Foot pressed to thigh,
Foot dangling in air,
“Let the blood flow into toes,” she says.
Thin skin sensitive to air,
What clothing can protect it?
“Cotton. Kevlar. Very much of interest,” she says.
Hips wide as the chair,
Buttocks pressed against it,
“My stomach complaining still,” she says.
Torso leaning forward to listen,
Let the body speak: Say how it can be soothed,
“Meditation. Relaxation. Rest,” she says.
Elbows crooked. Neck bent. Chin tilted.
Fingertips dry and greasy. Lips thin and pressed.
“My hands stronger than they were: perched and ready,” she says.
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