“When you are traveling always remember to look up and look down,” says Miss Emeline Traveler, the most experienced Traveler in all the lands.
"Cobalt skies and jade ground," says Miss Doe Friend.
The blue lakes of Trusting reflect its snow-capped mountains. The Trusting leap from the cliffs and dive head first into the clear waters. Trusting mermaids live there and play with the divers.
A long tunneled passageway leads to Trusting. Travelers come by foot.
Few live in Trusting. The Trusting mermaids know their fears.
A lake creature guards the waters.
The city Forgetful lies in the underground passageway to Trusting. The city welcomes travelers. Bleu spires and domes cap the buildings of Forgetful. It’s made of winding paths and spiral staircases.
Pale blue light illuminates the streets.
The Forgetful have soft, flat features and muted fur. They create blurry paintings.
A rock dome painted with murals covers all. Painted tiles lay across the floor.
“Look up and down to see all the forgotten things,” says the Guide.
“It is beautiful, but impossible to describe,” says Miss Doe Friend.
“You must see it for yourself,” says Miss Emeline Traveler (She always says that although everyone comes to her to hear about the places they cannot go).
“As soon as we arrived, we forgot why we came,” says a visitor. “Then we walked up to Trusting, dove into the lakes, spoke with the mermaids, and remembered.”
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