The Castle Attractive sits before a meadow in the land of Flirty.
“Because the castle is so prominent many visitors think royalty live there and only royalty may enter,” says the Guide. “In fact, the castle is a communal space open to all.”
In Flirty everyone considers themselves royal and they take turns living, dining, and working in the castle and sitting upon its many thrones. The back of the castle blends gently into the Attractive countryside.
“The weather is always fair,” says Miss Doe Friend. “The animals are gentle and roam throughout the castle and kitchens.”
The most beautiful flowers grow in Flirty. Visitors are welcome but must pass under the floral archway where the Good-natured-ometer rests.
“Those with a good-naturedness deficit may not enter,” says the Guide. "You can hear the sensor's soft buzz."
After a trip to Flirty, visitors receive a pass for another visit. After 10 visits they may apply for residency. Then they must pass under the floral archway Flirt-ometer.
Queen Flirtometa, the Queen of the Day, welcomes new residents.
Flirty smells good, tastes good, and has a playful atmosphere.
It’s one of the oldest lands, but remains playful and does not get involved in nasty politicking.
In addition to vibrant gardens, it has many pleasing buildings with intricate architecture where Flirtians with large and bright eyes dwell. Solar-powered carriages take guests from garden to garden and solar-powered ferries float up and down the River Flirty and across Flirty Lake.
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