Few may visit the marble temples of the plateau Aloof. Those privileged to do so love to soak in the lilac and lavender pools. Tropical plants and orchids simmer in the moist mist around the soaking ponds. Palm trees grow in ceramic vases.
The Aloof gods retreat from humanity. The ethereal Aloof believe that they live the best life. They do not travel and know very little of other lands. They do not care to know. They have large libraries which contain their memoirs and self-published works which only they read. They sit in throne-like armchairs in their libraries and read glossy, gold-leaf pages with ornate fonts that most, but not the Aloof, find difficult to read. The Aloof abstain from politics. They do not care.
The jagged pinnacle Anguish rises from Aloof. Hands clench in the brisk cold. Ice slices the walls. Skilled climbers make ascents. Angels help some of the stranded.
“Elevators exist within Anguish,” says Miss Emeline Traveler, “But many Guides neglect to provide that information. The elevators also require very long passcodes which many Guides do not know or have forgotten.”
Visitors come to Anguish from Aloof and Loneliness.
“Anguish has many rules and strict punishments for non-compliance which include months in solitary confinement,” Emeline Traveler advises. “It’s best to travel with a Guide.”
“It’s a terrible place,” confides Miss Doe Friend. “You can hear moaning from within the Anguished ice pits.”
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