Off the charts, lies cold flat Abandoned unmentioned in geography classes. Even cartographers ignore it. Low buildings lie scattered across its surface shuddering in the cold winds. From above, it looks like fields of junk. But impoverished beings erected these shelters intentionally. They eat leftovers donated by other lands (who did not care who received them). The supposedly kind people of other lands know nothing of the wants and needs of the Abandoned. They do not give to them directly.
A large sightless organization distributes the goods. The dregs end up in Abandoned by accident.
No one visits Abandoned on purpose (except, of course, Miss Emeline). Travelers here fell behind on other journeys. They lost sight of their traveling companions and companies, not being the kind of brave souls who travel on their own.
In Abandoned, lies Ignored an ornate city with a sprawling palace at its center. Ignored is made of the stuff of other lands that no one was paying attention to, so the things migrated to Ignored. Everything clashes, but the Ignored don’t mind. They have no sense of style and feel no shame. No one ever bothers to tell them they are out of fashion.
No one comes to Ignored of their own volition, but many find themselves delivered here. They get onto the wrong train, step into the wrong elevator, or head down the wrong passageway.
The Ignored love to babble about their various obsessions. Occasionally, a pair or a group of the Ignored find common interests. If one of them is even a moderately-skilled listener, they will all leave the capitol together. The gates are always open and lead out.
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