The undulating green mudslides of Blasé harbor waterfowl, frogs, slugs, and green insects. Lotus roots grow deep here. Workers slowly harvest rice in watery mud flats. They live in grass huts. Airships fly over them, but the Blasé travel infrequently. Visitors come to bathe in the mud and drink lotus tea which is said to be healing. They close their eyes and soak. No one wants to immigrate to Blasé. But some do. There is always work to be done: cleaning off mud, picking lotus leaves for tea, harvesting the wet grains. Airships rise above the thin tree line. Little blue leaves flutter.
The cave Repulsed hides in the muck. A village surrounds it. The Repulsed worship the monster who lives in the cave and sacrifice clay figurines made of mud to it. They build mud monster monuments. The monster defecates mountains of green mud and sheds its skin weekly. The Repulsed turn the strips into leather. They wear sturdy muck monster dusters and boots. The Repulsed have thin grey green mustaches, patchy beards, and lank mud-caked hair. They plaster mud on their arms and legs to protect themselves from the biting green insects.
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