A great mountain walls Uninvited off from the sea. Workers hefted stones all the way around it. The rocks take up much of the circumference so inside the Circle Uninvited there’s little room. The language of Uninvited is one of the most difficult to learn and even few of the Uninvited are masters of their own tongue. The many complex rules are difficult to follow even for native speakers. When mispronounced, words have the opposite, offensive meaning, or become unintelligible.
What is this? Why I started, The Emotion 365 Project: Every day a new emotion, on Jan. 1, 2020.
Uninviteds do not like newcomers, or their own kind, very much. They have forgotten a key part of their history.
The wall around them was built not to keep others out, but to keep themselves in. Skilled artisans built the wall which is beautiful from the outside, made of crushed tiles, but unremarkable from within. Therefore, curious youth want to enter and will go to great lengths to scale the wall and see what is on the other side.
Unfortunately for all concerned, the people that built the great wall around Uninvited were not Uninvited themselves, so the wall is very beautiful and contains many pieces of artwork made of crushed tiles and painted murals. It looks quite inviting.
No gate opens. Anyone who wants to enter must climb up the wall stealthily at night, then slink inside and see the Uninvited sleeping.
A river flows into the land and goods may pass in through a tunnel beneath the wall. Only the most persistent traders use this passageway, but those that do find that the Uninviteds pay a high price for goods from the outside — which bring them joy.
The kingdom Deceived lies in the mountain above Uninvited which overlooks the great wall and the Pirate River tunnel. Uninviteds often fall in love with the pirate traders who bear them away to other lands.
Those who stay in Uninvited become very haughty and defensive, “I would live no where else,” they claim, secretly worried they look foolish for staying when everyone else goes.
The Deceived Kings were told they would be the rulers of a very great kingdom.
“But it is only a land where others are not welcome to go,” said the youngest Prince, as he was being trained to be a monarch, listening to his tutors and doubting what they said.
“One day you will learn,” the Master Tutor said.
The Prince did. He pretended to agree until he took the throne but, by then, he forgot the truth he was trying to remember. So instead he became the Greatest King Deceived had ever had, according to the Tutors and his name was taught to all the other young doubtful princes.
What is this? Why I started, The Emotion 365 Project: Every day a new emotion, on Jan. 1, 2020.
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