Invited welcomes all to its vast network of cities connected by railways. Denizens speed from place to place. They arrive at each others’ parties bearing gifts of wine and elixir, berries and olives. Ferries cross the wide rivers. Denizens enjoy concerts in the parks. They walk the wide trails along the river together. They play games and enjoy picnics. Shops provide free beverages, hot or cold, and cool sweets. Every game emporium offers free salty snacks and a few sweet ones and pints of delicious beverage.
“Mama, may we please spend the weekend in Invited,” a little girl asks.
“Of course!” her Mama replies.
Visitors love it here. No one is turned away.
The city expands as it must. It contains concerts and parties in buildings and at farms. There are scheduled festivities and spontaneous revels. Everyone plays a musical instrument of some kind.
The park Being sits at the center in the shape of two eggs connected. A large trail runs around the entirety. Leaders walk the the trail as they plan the upcoming parties. Then they give speeches in which they share their ideas and anyone in the park may share, too.
Visitors sit beneath the Great Being Tree and warm in the sun. They watch the leaves rustle. They count the petals on daisies. The clouds above Being form heart shapes and dog-shapes. Denizens sit here too — horses, cows, deer, raccoons, squirrels, and pigeons — enjoying the world. Visitors and denizens can be found slumbering and snoring here without a care.
“It’s the best place in the world to take a nap,” says Miss Doe Friend.
“I really had the most pleasant dreams,” adds Miss Emeline Traveler, who usually declines to favor one place over another even in the most positive way.
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