High in the mountaintops beautiful Exhilarated shelters snow leopards, white rabbits, and white foxes on its snowy slopes. They jump and leap causing snow flurries. Exhilarateds snowshoe over the plains and slide down the slopes.
“Use skis to get to the best views of snow-covered mountain tops and glacier-fed rivers,” says the Guide.
Exhilarated berries make a warming purple elixir.
“We admired the vistas. The denizens have an energy like no others. The Exhilarated elixir is exquisite,” says Miss Emeline.
The Exhilarated berries grow high in the mountains. Exhilarateds share their elixir with travelers, but do not export their crops.
“It’s best after a long day of skiing,” says Miss Doe Friend.
The chateau Privileged sits atop the mountain Exhilarated.
Visitors may ride a tram up to the chalet. The council works here, drinking Exhilarated elixir for inspiration. They soak in the warm waters of a pool heated by warm rock stones that give off a sea fresh scent. White stags live here, otter, and foxes. White monkeys play in the steaming soaking pool. Those who live in Privileged are superstitious and never leave the capitol.
“There’s a belief that without the berries and soaking waters, they would become wraithlike and fade away," says the Guide. "I cannot say for sure if that is true."
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