“Creative offers so many avenues for exploration,” says the Guide. “There are rolling hills, archways, doorways, passages, hidden grottos, and caves. You are free to explore as you desire. You can checkout a jetpack, wait for an airship, or join the rest of the perambulators.”
“We walked many of the winding, cobbled pathways that lead to the Creative Sea,” said Miss Doe Friend. “I loved the herds of horses and flocks of geese.”
“We met many Creative travelers,” said Miss Emeline Traveler. “But many Creativians are stay at home types: painters, knitters, and farmers. You’ll see them with easels set up overlooking their farmlands.”
Elephants hold paintbrushes in their trunks. Pigs slide colored paints across canvas with their snouts. Flocks of swallows fly in patterns. They wave air hands and wink air eyes.
The clouds of Creative change colors with the time of day and season.
“It does offer the most beautiful light,” says Miss Emeline. “Everyone certainly looks especially lovely here.”
“The Creativians see the beauty and interest in everyone. It makes them quite delightful to be around if you don’t mind being included in a painting, story, play, or game,” says Miss Doe Friend. “I ended up holding the end of a string for the longest time, part of a project I did not understand. Well, there are worse ways to pass the time.”
The Creativians go to their capitol Overwhelmed when they have had too many ideas or feel stuck. The giant hall with stained glass windows emits luminescent light and a calming effect.
Creativians gather and chant. They eat and sing. They burn strong incense.
“It was packed with bodies and busy minds,” said Miss Emeline.
“There was just one room as far as I could tell," said Miss Doe Friend. "But at one point I got lost. I called out to Miss Emeline. Of course she found me. I was most grateful. And we left that afternoon.”
The placement of the door to Overwhelmed shifts. The hall spins atop Mount Creative.
The windows can open to allow fresh air, but they remain shut.
“To allow petitioners to concentrate and regain their concentration,” says the Guide.
“But it seems to have the opposite effect,” said Miss Doe Friend.
“I heard a child cry out, ‘Mama, why am I feeling sea ick?' And the parent answered, ‘My child, it is because this whole room is slowly spinning round. Don’t you remember watching it from the bottom of the hill?’”
But, in truth, none of the Creativians notice the spin until they undertake a project too daunting. Then they charge up the mount to refresh themselves amongst all the others in Overwhelmed.
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