An eerie moon shines bright over the desert Subdued. Elongated, warped cactus cast even more elongated and warped shadows with long sharp spines flickering with an iridescent sheen. Porcupines with metallic spines waddle in search of food. Little foxes, awake after a long day slumbering in the shadow of their dens, leap up.
The Subdued clan live in the desert cave. Visitors come to Subdued to watch the patterns of light on the great stone rocks and to listen to the cave-dwellers’ flutes. Visitors stay longer than they mean to in this quiet thoughtful place.
Ennui overlooks Subdued from a cliff. A long stairway etched into the side leads down. Those who try to take a faster route and rappel down end up in Adventure instead. Many people pass through the long straight street of Ennui where traders roam with backpacks and wagons full of goods on the way to somewhere else.
Ennuians buy little. They cannot be enticed or entreated. The placid Ennuians go quietly on their errands gathering items to bring to the Subdued caves. Although occasionally a love affair strikes and an Ennuian follows a trader along the winding road out of the dusty town.
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