Colorful lava flows through mercurial Ecstatic. Striped flowers grow in the molten soil. The denizens of Ecstasy are tiny so the land looks enormous and vivid and they have food and drink in plenty. They love to wander, take picnics, and write and recite complicated forms of poetry. They tell jokes under influence of the heady effects of their renowned berry liqueur. They wear flower caps and petal sarongs. They float down the River Ecstasy on leaves.
Visitors are surprised to find themselves made small.
“But it’s no bother or worry at all,” says the Guide.
They resume normal size when they leave.
“Visitors come and go,” says the Guide.
“The Ecstatic are most pleasant to be around, so in the moment, so consumed with joy there’s no hint of worry or anxiety.”
“Or thoughtfulness,” adds Miss Emeline.
The carnival Ecstatic Joy travels throughout the land with elaborate trappings. The denizens like to consume sugared popcorn in caramel, toffee, and cinnamon flavors. The best performers come to the carnival which changes its colors, music, games, rides, and performances with the season.
“We love to spin round and round!” exclaim the little mice girls.
The tiny horses whinny approval.
The energy of Ecstatic Joy gathers above the carnival in pink clouds and rainbows. Gusts of wind blow joy to other lands where it is needed.
A few performers live in the carnival permanently: a few clowns, acrobats, and some tiny, whimsical wildlings. But most pop in and out again.
Occasionally, a seeker from another land tries to bring a token of the carnival of Ecstatic Joy to their troubled friends. They secret away some cotton candy or popcorn in their backpack.
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