Many have climbed the steep and rocky mountains of Success and helped each other up the slopes. At the summit, they gaze over mountaintops and, unsatisfied, dream of climbing distant peaks. They look down and see the flowered valleys where herds of light stepping deer browse along forested paths.
Denizens of Success work the trails leading up to the slopes. They place rocks and build stairs. They cut away branches, move fallen logs, and build bridges. All work together to make the ascents easier for those who come after them.
On their name day, residents hike the trail named for them or climb the peak which inspired them.
Each summer an elite band of climbers ascends the highest peak. It’s an honor to be named to that year’s crew. The climbers rename the peak.
“What do you call this peak?” visitors ask. They are told the season’s answer often mistaking it for a permanent name. It becomes confusing, but not to Successians who know Commitment peak no matter what name it’s given.
Spiral Commitment peak with its well-tended paths rises above all others — a favorite of hikers. Many books have been written about Commitment ascents. Visitors write poems in its honor. Wondrous creatures live here and no other place.
“Magnificent!” says Miss Emeline Traveler when she finally stands atop the peak.
"Incomparable!" says Miss Doe Friend.
Visitors stay in the stone lodge atop the peak. Some stay for months and a few years.
Devotees of Commitment chant its praises.
“I didn’t want to leave while I was there,” Doe says. “Such a perfect view and delightful fellowship.”
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