Disbelief rests in slender-limbed treetops in a green mist of clouds. It wavers in the breeze. In a storm, Disbelief rocks.
“When the bow breaks the cradle will fall…” the Disbeliefian caregivers sing.
The leaves sigh. Slim-limbed Disbeliefians leap from home to work across the canopy of Disbelief.
Sometimes part of the city of Disbelief falls and the residents spring away shrieking.
Visitors travel to Disbelief in hot air balloons. No one is denied entry. No one shoots down the colorful balloons.
Miss Emeline Traveler looks down on Disbelief from a purple and orange balloon. The land looks painted like a picture.
When the balloon lands in the treetops, visitors are afraid to disembark.
“I am not suited to climbing,” Miss Emeline says, but she is surprisingly (or unsurprisingly, as isn't she good at everything) agile.
"Look at how powerful their legs and arms are," Miss Doe Friend observes, watching the Disbeliefians leap.
"I could have watched them much longer," she later writes to Alobar. "Although I felt strange just staring on the platform. The Disbeliefians did not seem to mind."
They watch the Debeliefians jump.
Then they sail back to they land they came from.
“I’m happier now than I was before,” says Doe. "The trip to Disbelief restored me."
The great eagle Distraction flies around disbelief. Residents of Disbelief take turns jumping on its back and joining the Eagle as they circumnavigate the land and swoop in-between the trees and watch the other residents go about their game-like lives.
They make arbitrary laws from the back of the Eagle Distraction: No one may… Everyone must…
They talk of erecting statues and commissioning murals. The Disbeliefians harvest fruits and the eagle-riders criticize how much accidentally falls down below through the mist and never makes it into their baskets. The Eagle Distraction has multi-colored feathers of bronze, gold, black, red, and silver.
Distraction can speak words or cry in Eaglian. It calls others to it. Sometimes it air fights with other birds arriving from other lands. At night, it settles in a great nest and hatches a rook of chicks (one of them eagles). Later the fledgling crows, hummingbirds, robins, loons, swans, or herons fly from Distraction to new lands.
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