Deep blue seas crash against the high white cliffs of Trust Island. The daunting cliffs face sea-faring routes. On the lee side, a softer sea welcomes ships in past a coral reef.
It parts into a calm bay with a smooth pink beach and shallow waters where Trust fish swim. They are slim white sticks with black eyes, darting yellow and electric blue stripes, and white and black discs with swishy tails.
Mangoes, dragonfruits, guava, starfruit, and coconut grow in plenty. They plop ripe and unbruised onto the sand.
Travelers to Trust find themselves at home.
“This is exactly the change I needed,” they think.
In the capitol, Acceptance, lost travelers, shipwrecked travelers form tribes.
"The city lies deep within the cliffs," says the Guide. "Be prepared, there are no fresh fruits there, only dried. Those who live in Trust have been there a long time."
"Inside Trust there is a Teleport Station, but only residents may use it. No outsider comes to Trust or Acceptance by this easy route."
"Pish posh," says Miss Emeline. "Come along, Doe."
“This is exactly the change I needed,” they think.
In the capitol, Acceptance, lost travelers, shipwrecked travelers form tribes.
"The city lies deep within the cliffs," says the Guide. "Be prepared, there are no fresh fruits there, only dried. Those who live in Trust have been there a long time."
"Inside Trust there is a Teleport Station, but only residents may use it. No outsider comes to Trust or Acceptance by this easy route."
"Pish posh," says Miss Emeline. "Come along, Doe."
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