Delicate flowers bloom in the Sympathy meadows throughout the year: purple buds, white trumpets, yellow daisies, and pink asters. Soft sun shines. Misty rains fall. Deer browse. Rabbits nibble. Sheep graze. Songbirds sing softly: a red wing, a blue head. Streams trickle. Fairies play their instruments.
People ascend the hills. They grow flowers, arrange bouquets, and tend trails. They harvest peaches, apricots, apples, cherries, and nectarines. Ivy climbs their cottages in winter with red berries and royal purple blooms. Visitors come to rest, recover, and eat fruit pies baked in Sympathy, warm, comforting, and delicious.
Relatable — I used this word in my reviews of Depression Hates a Moving Target by Nita Sweeney on Goodreads and Amazon . It's a nice word, but overused of late. So, it feels lazy. What do I mean? I connected with this book. It made me reflect more on my own first marathon experience. It made me want to put on my running shoes and head out the door again. In fact, I did. Now, typically, my mental health doesn't hinder my ability to do the stuff I want to do and my body flies under the radar. Still, I also felt goofy stepping out in my running gear a lot of the time. I didn't see myself as a "runner" or an athlete. And, I had no idea if I could run 13 miles let alone 26.2 when I started. More to the point, could I stay moving for the 4+ hours straight it would take to complete the marathon? To do the training mileage, I knew I'd have to run through streets and trails on my own and that made me nervous, too. Waves of grief wash us to strange shores. Whe...
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