Off the coast of the Continent Distrust in the Cold Sea lies the ice ring Jealousy. It does not sparkle except in the warm season when it slightly melts. Whales circle the island singing. They sleep in its inlets but migrate in winter to warmer climes. The ice island misses them. Seabirds perch on the ice. Tuna circle the inlet. Waves rock the outer ice, while the sea in the inlet remains calm.
Tanker ships run through the channel surrounded by black whale pods. The frosted circlet Jealousy looks inviting from above, but no aircraft may safely land. Cliffs fall into the sea with no safe shore to watch from. Cold Jealousy can only be seen from the air or the far sea. It remains in isolation, beautiful but distant.
Relatable — I used this word in my reviews of Depression Hates a Moving Target by Nita Sweeney on Goodreads and Amazon . It's a nice word, but overused of late. So, it feels lazy. What do I mean? I connected with this book. It made me reflect more on my own first marathon experience. It made me want to put on my running shoes and head out the door again. In fact, I did. Now, typically, my mental health doesn't hinder my ability to do the stuff I want to do and my body flies under the radar. Still, I also felt goofy stepping out in my running gear a lot of the time. I didn't see myself as a "runner" or an athlete. And, I had no idea if I could run 13 miles let alone 26.2 when I started. More to the point, could I stay moving for the 4+ hours straight it would take to complete the marathon? To do the training mileage, I knew I'd have to run through streets and trails on my own and that made me nervous, too. Waves of grief wash us to strange shores. Whe...
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