Apathetic does not exist in and of itself. It hovers like a cloud over other places. It floats by dropping the Rains of Malaise and the Grey Mists upon the people below.
It disappears like those famed magical cities into the mists. Denizens, ephemeral spirits, live in the mist.
Nothing touches them as they touch no one. They look down on the worlds below aloof. Their world offers no entertainments. The denizens neither eat nor sleep, build or create.
They exist.
They bring this troubled lack of trouble to other lands.
“Are they sentient?” scientists ask.
This passing cloud and its odd human-like shape piques their curiosity, but not for long. It turns into a fruitless search.
“Nothing to see, nothing to find,” the scientist reports. “It is hard to convince some people, of that, however.”
The Project: What is Emotion 365?
“Are they sentient?” scientists ask.
This passing cloud and its odd human-like shape piques their curiosity, but not for long. It turns into a fruitless search.
“Nothing to see, nothing to find,” the scientist reports. “It is hard to convince some people, of that, however.”
The Project: What is Emotion 365?
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