Taste: homemade mac and yeese; No Bones' Riptide Salad; Wayward's Very Veggie omelet and hot sauce
Sight: a full winter rainfall fed creek; a leopard slug
Sound: creek flow
Smell: a clinical atmosphere - bleach and...
Touch: soft warm
Extra: "...the resurrection of Yggdrasill, the ancient, mythical tree than connects and unites the various dimensions of the world." Ecotopia 2121, Nuuk 2121, The Green Grass of Greenland; "...an evolving ecotopian city will offer citizens a chance to pursue other forms of freedom beyond the superficial freedom of mobility that a car offers. A utopian city....acts to encourage each and every person to learn to adapt to the new or the evolving utopian form. Citizens can thus teach themselves...to be happy—even happier—without cars." Ecotopia 2121, Oxford 2121, Tranquil Streets of a Retro-future City
Grateful for: rain breaks, mizzle and being outside
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