Taste: curry
Sight: misty mornings; candled mornings - flickering candlelight; acorns; The Great Wheel at sunset on a glorious October evening; Lock, Stock & Barrel; bubbling froth; water boiling directly on the red stove in the dark
Sound: pigs nibbling grass and munching hay; rustling leaves; acorns crunching underfoot; "I don't know why I am so into pirates. It's just something in my soul."; panko
Smell: fermented white beans; sour white beans; Funnel of Love - Only Lovers Left Alive BPAL Touch: llama nuzzles; soft ears; shuffling through fallen leaves, raking and picking up leaves; a poofy dress and demon horns
Extra: a secondary world; magical; fellow traveler - hermano caminante; fearless writing horns; World Vegan Day and NaNoWriMo kickoff on the same day;
“Part of the calling of women...is to revive a spirituality of creativity that is not afraid of the strange beauty of the underwater world of the subconscious, and to help men out of the restricted and narrow world of provable and limited fact in which society has imprisoned them,” says Madeleine L’Engle in an article in the summer 1987 issue of Ms inGrateful for: warm greetings, animal friendships; being just being, watching beings being, listening to beings being, being with beings being - peaceful presence; tofu — is a magic food — a blank slate for flavor; starting the morning with a clean coffee pot
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