Sight: a photograph of George Washington, the founder of Centralia, and his border collie dog; how the sky changed from broad swaths of pink and purple to one bright golden light - the color of magic - in the space of 14 minutes; pureed purple sweet potatoes
Sound: a Belgian accent, Hercule Poirot
Smell: spearmint; orange zest
Touch: llama sniffs; slick leaves sliding; cold feet; dry scratchy skin
Extra: fickle luck; spearmint; Trooper's 14th Birthday; Burning Man dreamscape; population of the United States 323.1 million in 2016, 344 million in Make Room! Make Room! (1966) by Harry Harrison; St. Felicia Patron Saint of Farewells Slayer of Fools
Grateful for: developing interspecies relationships; the library
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