Sight: walking into the sea; crescent-shaped shadows
Sound: cawing; "It just doesn't feel right."
Smell: striking a match
Touch: the weight of stones in your pocket
Extra: The Confederacy of Dunces;
"The Okinawans call it 'Ikigai' and the Nicoyans call it 'plan de vida;' for both it translates to 'why I wake up in the morning.' Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy." — The Blue Zones
"Mother says push/forward, promise to keep/moving, seeking, dreaming,/imagine that there is something/left that we have to give." — "Please," Chloe N. Clark, Sunvault Anthology
"His gaze, forever blocked by bars, is so exhausted it takes in nothing else. All that exists for him are a thousand bars. Beyond the thousand bars, no world." — The Panther, Rainer Maria RilkeGrateful for: movies and books
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