Sight: turquoise, cerulean, aquamarine; coves; cays
Sound: waves; rainfall; wolves' howl
Smell: sea breeze
Touch: sand, coral
Extra: trophic cascades i.e. when wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone it reinvigorated the park's ecosystem — How Wolves Change Rivers;
"Treat yourself as if you were a personal garden and create a place of beauty and awe." — Jolynn in Sistah VeganGrateful for: home, friends, game night
"Keep that heart healthy, keep that system clean, build those muscles strong; especially the one between your ears." — Raquel in Sistah Vegan
"In coming to desire dead bodies for dinner, they had unwittingly become complicit in the destruction of their own bodies." — Pattrice Jones, Afterword, Liberation as Connection and the Decolonization of Desire, in Sistah Vegan
"Thus, recognizing that our bodies are beautiful becomes a powerfully political act, a celebration of compassion directed toward the self. And this is what is behind the Black woman's love of her body, which is so present in the ethos of contemporary Black culture. It is imperative that we love our own bodies and that we love others' bodies in their diversity. Ultimately, loving people for who they are should never be about disregarding the body —but about embracing it." — Tara Sophia Bahna-James, "Journey Toward Compassionate Choice," Sistah Vegan
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