This is my usual writer's journal to keep track of the senses and not part of the Space Explorer 365 story (365 words of story for 365 days from March 20, 2016 to March 19, 2017) ...

Taste: The Grain Cafe, maca, ground beef
Sight: ocean waves, a kite festival, The Grain Cafe art
Sound: ocean waves
Smell: earthy wine
Touch: rollercoaster; drenched; eyes squeezed shut; ocean breeze
Extra: smashing; just restrained violence; swimming in bright white light and a wedding dress;
"The point of being over forty is to fulfill the desires you've been harboring since you were seven." — Guillermo del Toro LACMA Guillermo del Toro Exhibit;
Taste: The Grain Cafe, maca, ground beef
Sight: ocean waves, a kite festival, The Grain Cafe art
Sound: ocean waves
Smell: earthy wine
Touch: rollercoaster; drenched; eyes squeezed shut; ocean breeze
Extra: smashing; just restrained violence; swimming in bright white light and a wedding dress;
"The point of being over forty is to fulfill the desires you've been harboring since you were seven." — Guillermo del Toro LACMA Guillermo del Toro Exhibit;
(How frail the human heart must be —Grateful for: hot sauce
a throbbing pulse, a trembling thing —
a fragile, shining instrument
of crystal, which can either weep,
or sing.) — "I Thought That I Could Not be Hurt," — Sylvia Plath
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