Taste: basil
Sight: food gradients, Wright Kitchen; Pantone fruit and veg; the basil plant growing in the kitchen window
Sound: meowing
Smell: cat
Touch:soft fur, the cat's belly
"Some commonly expressed themes in utopian writing include the following:
- social harmony and justice meld symbiotically with personal freedom
- peace and love overcome war and hatred
- material welfare is achieved for all without recourse to greed or exploitation
— Ecotopia 2121, Happy 500th Birthday to Utopia
- work, if it exists, is almost always enjoyable and human life is almost always satisfying."
"Spiritual practice is required of us...it is a necessity to be able to fulfill your mission."Grateful for: Sam
"You need to devote yourself to something greater than yourself." — Julie Piatt, RRP 234 • Up Your Game
grateful for you, too.