This is my usual writer's journal to keep track of the senses and not part of the Space Explorer 365 story (365 words of story for 365 days from March 20, 2016 to March 19, 2017)...
Taste: sweet potato shepherd's pie
Sight: ducks, geese, herons, pigeons, river otter with a tail like a stick; kite boarding; a bunny at the end of the day
Sound: Where was the birdsong loudest in Tiergarten, on PetÅ™Ãn hill or Clara Zetkin Park?
Smell: popcorn and waffle cones
Touch: growing closeness, intimacy, holding hands on a long walk; just bouncing along
Extra: magicians, white birds and business; a translation of Hendrik Marsman's 1922 poem Berlijn (on the side of the Dutch embassy): The morning is a stained dress/a dog-eared page/a stain/ the city/a woman with makeup half-off/but startling she rears into the sky/like a blue horse by Marc in a harness of air/Berlin/the sun is yellow
Grateful for: poetry

Sight: ducks, geese, herons, pigeons, river otter with a tail like a stick; kite boarding; a bunny at the end of the day
Sound: Where was the birdsong loudest in Tiergarten, on PetÅ™Ãn hill or Clara Zetkin Park?
Smell: popcorn and waffle cones
Touch: growing closeness, intimacy, holding hands on a long walk; just bouncing along
Extra: magicians, white birds and business; a translation of Hendrik Marsman's 1922 poem Berlijn (on the side of the Dutch embassy): The morning is a stained dress/a dog-eared page/a stain/ the city/a woman with makeup half-off/but startling she rears into the sky/like a blue horse by Marc in a harness of air/Berlin/the sun is yellow
Grateful for: poetry
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