There was the room full of people imitating the pant-hoot of chimpanzees at the
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest auction; an energetic dance to the ever popular “Sing, Sing, Sing (With a Swing)," 1936, composed by Louis Prima as part of the performance by the dance company
Shaping Sound (more on this in Sights of the Year); a little girl shouting "Hippety-hop! Hippety-hop, hop, hop!" as she jumped in puddles at the local track as I ran by her; and a number of cheerful "Good morning!"'s shouted by fellow passing runners on Thanksgiving morning.
There was also a ship captain
reciting poetry in the dark as we looked for the lights of the aurora borealis to emerge above the sea outside of Reykjavik (see also Sights of the Year).
However, sound of the year goes to one I will never hear again, the sound of my
PARENTS' LAUGHTER with a mention of
Lohengrin, a Romantic opera by Richard Wagner, which played at their wedding. Dad died just shy of their 50th anniversary.
What is this? My Year in Review.
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