Taste: homemade almond milk; sweet fresh window side basil
Sight: wet cat's tail and spinning; wearing black and cherry red; green pumpkin seed and basil pesto
Sound: blender; "most people can't'"
Smell: cherry cough drops, menthol
Touch: full cat belly
Extra: What gives you strength? routine, habit, daily willpower; Best blurb ever: "Piercy writes w/ high intelligence, love for the world, ethical passion and innate feminism." Adrienne Rich on My Life, My Body;
Sight: wet cat's tail and spinning; wearing black and cherry red; green pumpkin seed and basil pesto
Sound: blender; "most people can't'"
Smell: cherry cough drops, menthol
Touch: full cat belly
Extra: What gives you strength? routine, habit, daily willpower; Best blurb ever: "Piercy writes w/ high intelligence, love for the world, ethical passion and innate feminism." Adrienne Rich on My Life, My Body;
"Skill in living, awareness of belonging in the world, delight in being part of the world, always tends to involve knowing our kinship as animals with animals." — Ursula K. Le GuinGrateful for: Imaging the future; safety; defiance; becoming the tidy woman who cooks with fresh whole foods and homegrown herbs; PM Press and their Outspoken Authors series, outspoken authors:
"It is by imagining what we truly desire that we begin to go there. That is the kind of thinking about the future that seems to me most fruitful, most rewarding. I want a future in which women are not punished for having women's bodies, are not punished for desire or the lack of it, are viewed as independent protagonists in their own adventures—spiritual, intellectual, romantic, sexual, and creative adventures. That's one reason I read and write speculative fiction." — Marge Piercy, "Why Speculate on the Future?"
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