Sight: a bright orange burning ember-the end of an incense stick; craters of Pluto; Charonshine; nebulae
Sound: "a symphony of grotesquerie"
Smell: gingerbread incense
Touch: wispy fur
Extra: dreams of cats; dreams of long swimming pools; the lunar crescent actually occulted, when Venus winked out behind the bright lunar limb;
“The human family has invaluable friends and irreplaceable allies in the plant and animal worlds. We cannot continue to tug at the web of life without tearing a hole in the very fabric of our earthly existence — and eventually falling through that hole ourselves.” ―Van Jones via Whidbey InstituteGrateful for: making progress on a project; animal rights
"And animals weren't created by humans to be useful as humans, which is why we can't use them like machines." — Susan Palwick, Shelter
"And animal rights are important because we all share the earth; we're all part of the food chain." — Susan Palwick, Shelter
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