Taste: wild huckleberries; saffron rice; vindaloo; Deadbolt red

Sight: a blue moon, a full moon; the dog lies under the footstool; a hoary marmot, a pika, a Douglas squirrel, a chipmunk, a shrew; a marmot nibbling huckleberries; her beautiful blue sad eyes
Sound: head hits rock; tumbling, clacking rocks
Smell: warm pine dust at dusk
Touch: opening the doors painted green and blue
Extra: Nyx, the Greek goddess of night; Meng-p’o, Buddhist goddess of forgetfulness and amnesia; Ala, Odianai goddess of earth, morality, fertility and creativity;

Sight: a blue moon, a full moon; the dog lies under the footstool; a hoary marmot, a pika, a Douglas squirrel, a chipmunk, a shrew; a marmot nibbling huckleberries; her beautiful blue sad eyes
Sound: head hits rock; tumbling, clacking rocks
Smell: warm pine dust at dusk
Touch: opening the doors painted green and blue
Extra: Nyx, the Greek goddess of night; Meng-p’o, Buddhist goddess of forgetfulness and amnesia; Ala, Odianai goddess of earth, morality, fertility and creativity;
S.T.A.R.S.: Smile, life is a great adventure. Transcend to triumph over the negative. Aspire to be the best. Resolve to be true to your heart. Success comes to those who never give up on their dreams. — Adriana Ocampo, planetary geologist and Science Program Manager at NASA
"examining each other with desperate attention,Grateful for: mythologies and wilderness
an air of silky sexy tension roiling
like the fog that sank and lifted
bedazzling their sleek flanks,
their shaking antlers. The road
did not belong." — "Taconic at midnight," Marge Piercy
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