Sight: winter-crisped sky, mountains, a primal wild land covered in lava rock; two pendants of green light appear beside the Imagine Peace Tower in spring; an easy independent relaxed gait; Blue Lagoon, piercing Iceland blue; street murals; white disco lights, colored disco lights; a display of feminist books; Cygnus cygnus, Whooper Swans
Sound: íslenska — Laugevegur, Ólafur,Viðey
Touch: wind blows up off The Pond; geothermal water; going down a warm water slide; one pair of boots, three pairs of socks, three pairs of pants, five shirts, two hoodies, two hats, one scarf, two pair gloves, and an overcoat
Smell: crêpes
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream/A dream you dream together is reality"—Yoko Ono, Imagine Peace TowerGrateful for: travel by boat, travel by air, travel by foot; warm clothes
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