Taste: molasses; grade B maple syrup
Sight: doggie diapers; a spring in her step
Sound: "Diabolical!","Barbaric!"
Touch: velcro;
Extra: a moral quandary, a conflict of interest; a commonplace book - the v. commonplacing - reading, copying out and managing selections from one's books;
Grateful for: change; the very sudden and very slow alignment of our behavior with our beliefs;
Sight: doggie diapers; a spring in her step
Sound: "Diabolical!","Barbaric!"
Touch: velcro;
"Each extension of a hand or paw is toward contact....When we touch we go from being observers to being included; things seen become things felt.
In silence or in speech, reading and being read to are other forms of touch. The words of poets and writers stir us." — Ann Hamilton, "On Touch"Smell: woodsmoke; worst of the year candidate: the stench that comes from the nearby Burger King and permeates the air around the running track
Extra: a moral quandary, a conflict of interest; a commonplace book - the v. commonplacing - reading, copying out and managing selections from one's books;
"If I can think my way into the existence of a being who has never existed, then I can think my way into the existence of a bat or a chimpanzee or an oyster, any being with whom I share the substrate of life." — J.M. Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello
Grateful for: change; the very sudden and very slow alignment of our behavior with our beliefs;
"We're a cause made up of converts; the doors of this movement are open to anyone whose heart and mind leads them inside." — Wayne Pacelle, The Bond
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