Taste: champagne punch and pistachios
Sight: the black ears of the shadow wolf dog; the purple flower with the velvet cone and pointed petals springs wide in early spring
Sound: your mother sobbing; rain patters down on the roof
Touch: spring rain showers
Smell: woodsmoke; caramel coffee; waffle sugar cone coffee; hamburger-stale chemicals and stagnant breath
Sight: the black ears of the shadow wolf dog; the purple flower with the velvet cone and pointed petals springs wide in early spring
Sound: your mother sobbing; rain patters down on the roof
Touch: spring rain showers
Smell: woodsmoke; caramel coffee; waffle sugar cone coffee; hamburger-stale chemicals and stagnant breath
"Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold,Grateful for: spring
Death's great black wing scrapes the air,
Misery gnaws to the bone.
Why then do we not despair?
By day, from the surrounding woods,
cherries blow summer into town;
at night the deep transparent skies glitter with new galaxies."
— Anna Akhmatova
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