Taste: bilberry nectar, black current
Sight: pink and white Olympics; Hinterkind, a new Vertigo Comics title by writer Ian Edginton and artist Francesco Trifogli
The Cloud Forest:* "Song birds and does were everywhere, including a black finch with a luminous breast of dark, deep, red..."
Sound: his beating heart, the rushing wind chimes, the sighing cat; "I live my life by sticky notes."
Touch: moving from corpse pose to fetal pose; sun salutations
Smell: peonies
Extra: liberation theology; mañana
Grateful for: The Humane Society (also Paul Shapiro really puts out a nice e-newsletter)
What is this? Slow reading The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness by Peter Matthiessen (1961)
Sight: pink and white Olympics; Hinterkind, a new Vertigo Comics title by writer Ian Edginton and artist Francesco Trifogli
The Cloud Forest:* "Song birds and does were everywhere, including a black finch with a luminous breast of dark, deep, red..."
Sound: his beating heart, the rushing wind chimes, the sighing cat; "I live my life by sticky notes."
Touch: moving from corpse pose to fetal pose; sun salutations
Smell: peonies
Extra: liberation theology; mañana
Grateful for: The Humane Society (also Paul Shapiro really puts out a nice e-newsletter)
What is this? Slow reading The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wilderness by Peter Matthiessen (1961)
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