Snow leopard taste: sacred grains
Snow leopard sight: red panda, lustrous red-and-black, loveliest of all forest animals in the Himalaya
Snow leopard sound: "Kak-kak-kak KAI-ee!" - yeti cry, a wild laughing yelp
Snow leopard touch: dank and bitter cold
Snow leopard smell: strong resin, sharp needle-great evergreens, dark humus minerals
Snow leopard word of the day: naljorpa - a holy man, a hermit with strange powers
Snow leopard quote of the day: "...how can he forgive me, when he hadn't bothered with resentment in the first place?"
Snow leopard extra: "I think the yeti is a Buddhist."; "A sorcerer sits of the far side of this night fire in the Zuwa Gorge."
Snow leopard gratitude: happy panda
Panthera progress: none
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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