"two hard days and one easy one are now behind us, and still we are not there"
Snow leopard sight: "The dark shapes of the nomads glint with beads and earrings, amulets and silver daggers..."
Snow leopard sound: harsh cries and piercing whistles
Snow leopard smell: wool
Snow leopard touch: slip and clamber
Snow leopard quote:
Snow leopard extra: exhilarated
Snow leopard gratitude: "I have the universe all to myself. The universe has me all to itself."
Panthera progress: Piecing together the end
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
Snow leopard sight: "The dark shapes of the nomads glint with beads and earrings, amulets and silver daggers..."
Snow leopard sound: harsh cries and piercing whistles
Snow leopard smell: wool
Snow leopard touch: slip and clamber
Snow leopard quote:
"To the north and west, across the canyons, the thorn-scrub slopes are cut by cliffs, and soon blue sheep come into view, two far pale bands, one of nine, and the other of twenty-six. I search in vain for sign of the snow leopard."Snow leopard word of the day: Kanjirobas
Snow leopard extra: exhilarated
Snow leopard gratitude: "I have the universe all to myself. The universe has me all to itself."
Panthera progress: Piecing together the end
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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