The strong leopard listens. The gone leopard sees. The no leopard sips teas.
Snow leopard taste: sun-dried green yak cheese and buttered tea
Snow leopard sight: leopard prints as fresh as petals on the trail
Snow leopard sound: the insistent call of the Tibetan tit-warbler, t-sip
Snow leopard smell: juniper, tea
Snow leopard touch: cool air
Snow leopard quote:
Snow leopard notable: somewhere on this mountainside the snow leopard listens
Snow leopard extra: reminders that our time on earth is fleeting
Snow leopard gratitude: "Of course I am happy here! It's wonderful! Especially when I have no choice!"
Panthera progress: Novels just want to have fun.
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
Snow leopard taste: sun-dried green yak cheese and buttered tea
Snow leopard sight: leopard prints as fresh as petals on the trail
Snow leopard sound: the insistent call of the Tibetan tit-warbler, t-sip
Snow leopard smell: juniper, tea
Snow leopard touch: cool air
Snow leopard quote:
"Have you seen the snow leopard?Snow leopard word of the day: damaru - prayer drum; kangling- trumpet
No! Isn't that wonderful?"
Snow leopard notable: somewhere on this mountainside the snow leopard listens
Snow leopard extra: reminders that our time on earth is fleeting
Snow leopard gratitude: "Of course I am happy here! It's wonderful! Especially when I have no choice!"
Panthera progress: Novels just want to have fun.
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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