At home: a deer hiding by the lodge at Paradise, Mount Rainier National Park (park still closed due to government shutdown) |
Heartfelt anger and much purring
Snow leopard taste: rice, chapatis, dhal, potatoes
At home: black bean brownies, Mexican Bean Dip, Homemade Corn Tortillas — Fire and Earth Kitchen
Snow leopard sight: monarchs and goldenrod, late roses, shining pine needles
At home: frothy pink-red beet and apple juice
Snow leopard sound: harmonica
At home: purring
Snow leopard touch: hugs, dry east wind
At home: an active mind
Snow leopard word of the day: arak-white spirits distilled from rice, maize, or millet
Snow leopard extra: memories of home
At home: powerless anger
Snow leopard gratitude: Alex
At home: a woman who naturally uses the words blessed and heartfelt
Panthera progress: many changes
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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