In the Valley of Fragrant Waters Celestial Horses Scream;
Saved, we continue to eat the scattered energies of summer tomatoes
Snow leopard taste: fermented barley-the local beer, chang
At home: tomatoes and ginger
Snow leopard sight: the glistening galaxy of childhood
Snow leopard sound: flat tin music from a small radio with weak batteries; a bat chitters; a horse screams; the dogs howl in awe at the moon's appearance, the dog next door harrangues the cosmos for an hour
At home: "Speicherbar," And One; "Parallel Lives," Roisin Murphy
Snow leopard smell: resin; kerosene
At home: garam masala
Snow leopard touch: snug warmth inside a sleeping bag
At home: walking through a foggy urban dawn
Snow leopard word of the day: prajnas - female wisdom principles i.e. Kuan Yin
Snow leopard quote of the day: "nothing in this old economy is wasted"
Snow leopard notable: Orion, Pleiades
Snow leopard extra: all this feeling
At home: "Be careful not to scatter your energies."
Snow leopard gratitude: the power, peace, and healing of the night
At home: civility and compromise
Panthera progress: editing the the snow leopard scenes
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
Snow leopard taste: fermented barley-the local beer, chang
At home: tomatoes and ginger
Snow leopard sight: the glistening galaxy of childhood
"An emerald butterfly comes to my knee to dry its wings, gold wings with black specks above, white polka dots beneath."At home: spiderwebs in the fog; black cat, orange pumpkin
Snow leopard sound: flat tin music from a small radio with weak batteries; a bat chitters; a horse screams; the dogs howl in awe at the moon's appearance, the dog next door harrangues the cosmos for an hour
At home: "Speicherbar," And One; "Parallel Lives," Roisin Murphy
Snow leopard smell: resin; kerosene
At home: garam masala
Snow leopard touch: snug warmth inside a sleeping bag
At home: walking through a foggy urban dawn
Snow leopard word of the day: prajnas - female wisdom principles i.e. Kuan Yin
Snow leopard quote of the day: "nothing in this old economy is wasted"
Snow leopard notable: Orion, Pleiades
Snow leopard extra: all this feeling
At home: "Be careful not to scatter your energies."
Snow leopard gratitude: the power, peace, and healing of the night
At home: civility and compromise
Panthera progress: editing the the snow leopard scenes
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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