In the middle of drinking tea with snuffling wild mountain sages;
Mother and Father knock at the front door
Snow leopard taste: tea
At home: coffee
Snow leopard sight: "Weathered faces crusted with white paste, they hunch like specters over the fire stones and blackened pot..."
At home: the front doors of homes: steel, fiberglass, glass, mahogany; leaves turning brown to red
Snow leopard sound: the brook under the oaks
At home: low whisper of the computer fan
Snow leopard touch: the wind freshens
At home: the warmth and weight of the laptop
Snow leopard smell: sniffing the weather
At home: a floral Cabernet
Snow leopard word of the day: sennin, xian - wild mountain sages of ancient Japan and China, immortal, enlightened-ones
Snow leopard quote of the day: "I feel superstitious in this realm of mountain gods..."
Snow leopard notable: Tibetans says obstacles in a hard journey are the work of demons anxious to test the sincerity of pilgrims
Snow leopard extra: dance of life
At home: book as talisman
Snow leopard gratitude: a stroke of luck, good fortune
At home: breakfast with Mother and Father
Panthera progress: scenes in transition and transition scenes, plodding
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
Mother and Father knock at the front door
Snow leopard taste: tea

At home: coffee
Snow leopard sight: "Weathered faces crusted with white paste, they hunch like specters over the fire stones and blackened pot..."
At home: the front doors of homes: steel, fiberglass, glass, mahogany; leaves turning brown to red
Snow leopard sound: the brook under the oaks
At home: low whisper of the computer fan
Snow leopard touch: the wind freshens
At home: the warmth and weight of the laptop
Snow leopard smell: sniffing the weather
At home: a floral Cabernet
Snow leopard word of the day: sennin, xian - wild mountain sages of ancient Japan and China, immortal, enlightened-ones
Snow leopard quote of the day: "I feel superstitious in this realm of mountain gods..."
Snow leopard notable: Tibetans says obstacles in a hard journey are the work of demons anxious to test the sincerity of pilgrims
Snow leopard extra: dance of life
At home: book as talisman
Snow leopard gratitude: a stroke of luck, good fortune
At home: breakfast with Mother and Father
Panthera progress: scenes in transition and transition scenes, plodding
What is this? Blogging The Snow Leopard project.
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