Taste: oatmeal; The Naked Grape Malbec
Sight: a rabble of Anna’s Blue butterflies, lycaeides anna, fluttering around my hiking books; in a panoramic view: Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams; wildflowers in the fairytale meadows of Mount Rainier: Avalanche Lily, Beargrass, Rosey Spirea, Pasqueflower, Bog Orchid, Lupine, Valerian, Columbine, Magenta Paintbrush, Alpine Aster, and Pink Mountain Heather
Sound: bleating elk; whistling marmots; bees buzzing in a wildflower filled meadow; clinking rocks sliding
Touch: hazel wood hiking sticks; an easy stride; walking on shale
Smell: fields of Valerian
Extra: "...the most luxuriant and extravagantly beautiful of all the alpine gardens I ever beheld in all my mountain-top wanderings." — John Muir, conservationist, 1889
Grateful for: mountains, meadows, waterfalls and living in the Pacific Northwest
Sight: a rabble of Anna’s Blue butterflies, lycaeides anna, fluttering around my hiking books; in a panoramic view: Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams; wildflowers in the fairytale meadows of Mount Rainier: Avalanche Lily, Beargrass, Rosey Spirea, Pasqueflower, Bog Orchid, Lupine, Valerian, Columbine, Magenta Paintbrush, Alpine Aster, and Pink Mountain Heather
Sound: bleating elk; whistling marmots; bees buzzing in a wildflower filled meadow; clinking rocks sliding
Touch: hazel wood hiking sticks; an easy stride; walking on shale
Smell: fields of Valerian
Extra: "...the most luxuriant and extravagantly beautiful of all the alpine gardens I ever beheld in all my mountain-top wanderings." — John Muir, conservationist, 1889
Grateful for: mountains, meadows, waterfalls and living in the Pacific Northwest
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