Taste: greens-steamed spinach, steamed kale; melting, tender, roasted broccoli
Sight: traditional style, pale gold drapes, a striped burnished gold chair, heavy wood furnishings, a tilting floor—a 1909 hotel; sparkly tush—a woman crosses the street in jeans; baggy jeans, faded orange and baby blue
striped sweater and fox-ear knit cap—a male college student
Sound: beeping monitors
Touch: an icy hand on a warm forehead; a belly sated by greens—eating for volume
Smell: hospital smell—purell and fresh paint; garlic roasted vegetables upon walking in the door
Extra: A room of her own
and — a comfortable writing chair, more bookshelves, a good printer,
laptop, Scrivener software, Duotrope for submission tracking; a lost black and white collie in
Grateful for: cold
extremities, mom found my icy hand on her forehead soothing after surgery,
"It's like an ice pack — with love."
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