Sight: a bunch of carrots, a bowl of fruit: reds and greens, reds and yellow, yellow, orange and green; white star magnolias, a pale pink tulip, a deep purple tulip, one baby carrot, crossed paws
Touch: falling three stories, 25 feet, landing on a net
Sound: "There are more cells in your body than there are stars in the universe." — yoga instructor; "Now, let go!" trapeze instructor; the word, "trapeze"
Smell: hyacinth; Anastasia: Champa absolute, Civet, Dogwood, Fresh Snow, Green Tea, Honeysuckle, White Patchouli and Emily: Almond, Coconut, Honey, Oatmeal, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Yuzu — Sweet Anthem Handmade Perfumes
Extra: "The Happy Prince," by Oscar Wilde "A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing." — Oscar Wilde;

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