Taste: Faint, fermented, sweetness: Pear vodka in the Kyoto Blossom martini; the fifth flavor umami, xiānwèi: monosodium glutamate is a neurotransmitter
Touch: the prickly husk of a chestnut seed, the smooth surface of the seed, its light heft, the pulpy softness of its core
Smell: Ranch stew, cayenne pepper, tomatoes and onions simmering on the stove on a night in early fall
Sight: long white spikes jousting off the black ends of the caterpillar, the black dots down its golden lion segment, the caterpillar paraded around the track would win the neighborhood’s Best in Show
Sound: tuba, cymbals, drums; an impromptu marching band of hope for a new president: Obama
Extra: commas, the pause for effect; and their absence halting with no need
Touch: the prickly husk of a chestnut seed, the smooth surface of the seed, its light heft, the pulpy softness of its core
Smell: Ranch stew, cayenne pepper, tomatoes and onions simmering on the stove on a night in early fall
Sight: long white spikes jousting off the black ends of the caterpillar, the black dots down its golden lion segment, the caterpillar paraded around the track would win the neighborhood’s Best in Show
Sound: tuba, cymbals, drums; an impromptu marching band of hope for a new president: Obama
Extra: commas, the pause for effect; and their absence halting with no need