Taste: condensed food, ginger teriyaki and rice and bean cakes entire meals mashed into a quick, pallid substitute, the tastes remain, reminiscent of a plate of fresh vegetables and rice in various flavors but the experience is dulled
Touch: I go for a walk in the rain and I come back with the long hem of my pants soaked. I cannot get warm. I do not think to put the pants into the dryer. That night I ask can we please put a second comforter on my bed. It is early fall and I am already chilled
Smell: cinnamon bread, a commercial baking kitchen
Sight: California rolls, white rice with sesame seeds, a wedge of green avocado, a white chunk of crab, a pink slice of wasabi; this food is visually appealing even fascinating, it looks appetizing, and I remember I enjoy these tastes and think I should enjoy them together but I have to recall I do not like the coldness or the texture to save $6.99
Sound: American regional accents, the pronunciation of a's and o's and Washington
Extra: the Salish Sea (Puget Sound, Straight of Juan de Fuca, Georgia Straight), Cowichan Canoe Gathering
Touch: I go for a walk in the rain and I come back with the long hem of my pants soaked. I cannot get warm. I do not think to put the pants into the dryer. That night I ask can we please put a second comforter on my bed. It is early fall and I am already chilled
Smell: cinnamon bread, a commercial baking kitchen
Sight: California rolls, white rice with sesame seeds, a wedge of green avocado, a white chunk of crab, a pink slice of wasabi; this food is visually appealing even fascinating, it looks appetizing, and I remember I enjoy these tastes and think I should enjoy them together but I have to recall I do not like the coldness or the texture to save $6.99
Sound: American regional accents, the pronunciation of a's and o's and Washington
Extra: the Salish Sea (Puget Sound, Straight of Juan de Fuca, Georgia Straight), Cowichan Canoe Gathering