Taste: soft, subtle, woodsy spice, faintly sweet, evocative of squirrels, elves, dryads: cinnamon
Touch: small gritty ground particles: cinnamon
Smell: slightly fermented bark, a decaying nurse log: cinnamon
Sight: the brightness of water, the restorative power of dust removed: washing thick white clean looking playa dust off of everything, bags, dresses, clothes removing the clean stain as it finds its way back onto my fingers and clothes with its distinctive white patina and soft chalky feel
Sound: the dog grunts as I stroke her head and ask her, "Do you want to go for a walk?"
Extra: Found the morning after: one flip-flop, one fur bunny tail, one small bottle of energy drink, one used red condom, one used green condom, cardboard fireworks tubes, a burnt page of The Bible
Touch: small gritty ground particles: cinnamon
Smell: slightly fermented bark, a decaying nurse log: cinnamon
Sight: the brightness of water, the restorative power of dust removed: washing thick white clean looking playa dust off of everything, bags, dresses, clothes removing the clean stain as it finds its way back onto my fingers and clothes with its distinctive white patina and soft chalky feel
Sound: the dog grunts as I stroke her head and ask her, "Do you want to go for a walk?"
Extra: Found the morning after: one flip-flop, one fur bunny tail, one small bottle of energy drink, one used red condom, one used green condom, cardboard fireworks tubes, a burnt page of The Bible